Create Your Stub

Fill out your information, and we’ll do the calculations for you


Create Your Stub

Create Your Stub

Instant Mobile Pay Stub Maker Ready in only 2 Minutes!

Purchase Reason

Who are you creating this document for? (Optional)
This field is required
What is the reason you are creating this document? (Optional)
This field is required
Proof of income for what? (Optional)
This field is required

Company Information

*Company Name
Company Name is required
*Company Address
Please fill out the address
Apt/Ste No. (Optional)
City is required
Zip Code (Optional)
Zip Code is required

 Optional Company Information

(Phone Number, EIN)
Company Phone Number (Optional)
Company Phone Number is required
Ext. No. (Optional)
Company EIN (Optional)
Company EIN is required
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Employee Information

*What is the employees’ status?
*Employee Full Name
Employee Full Name is required
*Last 4 Digits of Employee Social Security Number (SSN)
This data is stored securely and never shared with any third party. It is only used to generate your paystub.
The last 4 Digits of your SSN are required
Dependent Total (Optional)
Other Income Amount (Optional)
Deduction Amount (Optional)
Number of Federal Allowances (Optional)
Is this person working from home ?
By choosing this option, the taxes will be calculated based on the employee's address instead of the company address
Employee Address (Optional)
Please fill out the address
Apt/Ste No. (Optional)
City is required
Zip Code (Optional)
Zip Code is required

(ID, Federal Filing Status, State Filing Status)
Employee ID (Optional)
Federal Filing Status (Optional)
State Total Allowances (Optional)
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Salary Information

*How is this employee paid?
*How often is this employee paid?
*Hourly Rate
Hourly Rate is required
*Annual Salary
Annual Salary is required
Employee Hire Date
*Hours Worked Per Period
Hours Worked Per Period is required

suggestion light bulb For proof of income, most institutions require paystubs covering a period of the last 3 months. The more pay dates you add the higher your chances become!

Would you like us to add them for you?
Yes, PleaseNo, Thank you
Pay Dates Needed
Pay Dates will be added backwards consecutively based upon the Pay Date frequency from the “how often the employee is paid” field above. (Ex: if Bi-Weekly payment is chosen, each new Pay Date added will date 2 weeks backwards)
Employee Pay Date
*Hours Worked
Hours Worked is required
Pay Period Start Date
Pay Period End Date
Number of Previous Pay Dates this year
*Sum of all previous regular wages this year
*Check No.
This field is required
+ Add Additions and/or Deductions
Employee Pay Date
*Hours Worked
Hours Worked is required
Pay Period Start Date
Pay Period End Date
Number of Previous Pay Dates this year
*Sum of all previous regular wages this year
*Check No.
This field is required
+ Add Additions and/or Deductions
Employee Pay Date
*Hours Worked
Hours Worked is required
Pay Period Start Date
Pay Period End Date
Number of Previous Pay Dates this year
*Sum of all previous regular wages this year
*Check No.
This field is required
+ Add Additions and/or Deductions
+ Add Previous Pay Date

Special Tax Exemptions (Optional)Is the employee exempt from any taxes?
Add Direct Deposit (Recommended)

By choosing this option, a deposit slip will be added to the bottom of the paystub with the employee's/contractor's net pay and check number, and can be detached for record keeping purposes.

direct-deposit73% of our customers choose this option

Optionally, you can add the bank information to the direct deposit slip below.

Account Number (Optional)
Routing Number (Optional)
Bank Name (Optional)
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Short Blue Paystub Sample Template
Short Blue Paystub
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Short Black & White Paystub
Use this template
Long Blue Paystub Sample Template
Long Blue Paystub
Use this template
Long Blue Paystub Sample Template
Long Black & White Paystub
Use this template
ADP Paystub Template - Blue
ADP Paystub Template - Blue
Use this template
ADP Paystub Template - Black & White
ADP Paystub Template - Black & White
Use this template
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Rectangular Horizontal Blue & White Paystub
Use this template
Rectangular Horizontal Black & White Paystub Sample Template
Rectangular Horizontal Black & White Paystub
Use this template
Square Blue & White Paystub Sample Template
Square Blue & White Paystub
Use this template
Square Black & White Paystub Sample Template
Square Black & White Paystub
Note: All watermarks and background images will be removed from your final document
(Pinch to zoom in)  
close popup in white color
Use this template
Short Blue Paystub Sample Template
Short Blue Paystub
Use this template
Short Black & White Paystub Sample Template
Short Black & White Paystub
Use this template
Long Blue Paystub Sample Template
Long Blue Paystub
Use this template
Long Blue Paystub Sample Template
Long Black & White Paystub
Use this template
ADP Paystub Template - Blue
ADP Paystub Template - Blue
Use this template
ADP Paystub Template - Black & White
ADP Paystub Template - Black & White
Use this template
Rectangular Horizontal Blue & White Paystub Sample Template
Rectangular Horizontal Blue & White Paystub
Use this template
Rectangular Horizontal Black & White Paystub Sample Template
Rectangular Horizontal Black & White Paystub
Use this template
Square Blue & White Paystub Sample Template
Square Blue & White Paystub
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Square Black & White Paystub Sample Template
Square Black & White Paystub
Position & Crop Logo

Tip: Position cropping borders as close to company logo dimensions as possible

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Great Service

First time creating a stub. Customer support was AMAZING. I had a few self-induced issues and customer support was there from start to end.

Brandon Wilson

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