
How Is Compensation Determined? - The Full Guide Finance
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How Is Compensation Determined? - The Full Guide

When we talk about compensation we are speaking about more than an annual salary or monthly wage. Compensation is a much broader system of recompense for a job and usually... Read More

Samantha Clark By Samantha Clark
Apr. 21, 23
Who Created Income Tax? - What to Know Tax
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Who Created Income Tax? - What to Know

No one likes paying income tax but as Benjamin Franklin said ‘nothing is certain except death and taxes’ so we’ve all come to accept it. But who created... Read More

James Wilson By James Wilson
Apr. 18, 23
What Are The Different Types Of Compensation? [Ultimate Guide] Finance
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What Are The Different Types Of Compensation? [Ultimate Guide]

Many people are confused by the term compensation and how it relates to employment. If you have ever wondered ‘what are the different types of compensation?’... Read More

Samantha Clark By Samantha Clark
Apr. 12, 23
Mandatory Vs Discretionary Spending - The Full Guide Finance
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Mandatory Vs Discretionary Spending - The Full Guide

Federal spending is divided into two main categories, mandatory and discretionary spending. But what do these types of spending mean, and where does the money go? We take... Read More

James Wilson By James Wilson
Apr. 10, 23
Trial Balances And How They Work - The Beginner’s Guide Finance
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Trial Balances And How They Work - The Beginner’s Guide

Trial balances are a type of booking-keeping method. They contain all the ledgers of a business and split them into credit balances and debit balances. A trial balance is... Read More

Samantha Clark By Samantha Clark
Apr. 07, 23
The Pros And Cons Of A Bi-Weekly Payment Strategy Payroll
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The Pros And Cons Of A Bi-Weekly Payment Strategy

Bi-weekly payments are a very common strategy for businesses, but what one person considers a perfect schedule another thinks is a nightmare. Really there is no right or... Read More

James Wilson By James Wilson
Apr. 05, 23
Why You Should Set Up A Semi-Monthly Pay Schedule Business Operations
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Why You Should Set Up A Semi-Monthly Pay Schedule

Most employers pay their employees monthly or weekly. Monthly payments allow employers to balance their financial figures with bills and income, while weekly allows employees... Read More

Samantha Clark By Samantha Clark
Mar. 31, 23
What Is The Role of HR During A Termination? Human Resources
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What Is The Role of HR During A Termination?

HR plays an integral role when it comes to terminating an employee. For many companies, termination is a last resort, and thankfully, this doesn’t tend to happen too... Read More

James Wilson By James Wilson
Mar. 29, 23
What Are The Pros & Cons Of Being A Business Manager? Human Resources
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What Are The Pros & Cons Of Being A Business Manager?

Many people find the path of a business manager an extremely appealing venture. It’s a chance for you to take charge, and demonstrate your leadership and management... Read More

Samantha Clark By Samantha Clark
Mar. 26, 23
The 9 Essential Basics That All Bookkeepers Should Be Aware Of Finance
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The 9 Essential Basics That All Bookkeepers Should Be Aware Of

If you’re getting started in your bookkeeping career, knowledge is power! Here are some of the basics of being a bookkeeper that you should definitely be aware of.... Read More

James Wilson By James Wilson
Mar. 21, 23

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