How To Get A Pay Stub From Direct Deposit?

Getting paid through direct deposit is often the easiest and most convenient choice. You don't have to go to the bank to deposit checks or wait for a check in the mail. You simply provide your employer with your bank information and your paycheck gets deposited directly into your account.
Simple, right? But without a physical check, do you know how to get a pay stub? Pay stubs are an important part of your financials. They can serve as proof of income, which is important for taking out loans and renting apartments or houses.
Looking over your pay stubs is also important so you can be sure that you're being paid the correct amount as well as for tax purposes. Now that you know why you need your pay stubs, let's take you through how to get a pay stub if you use direct deposit.
Also read: Getting Pay Stubs Online
What Is a Pay Stub?
A pay stub is a document that lists exactly how much you have been paid. It will detail your total earnings for a certain pay period, any deductions taken from that total, and your net earnings after the deductions.
The deductions from the pay include money withheld for federal taxes, state taxes, and FICA, along with deductions for your insurance, your retirement contribution, and any wage garnishments you owe. Your pay stub is an official document that allows you to see exactly what you've made along with what money has been deducted.
Also read: Required Information On A Pay Stub
Get Your Pay Stub From Your Employer
Even employees using direct deposit can get their pay stubs from their employer. Employers can generate paystubs based on your direct deposit and either e-mail them to you or give them to you directly. Ask your employer about this option and see if they can do this for you.
Also read: Employee’s Gross Pay
Print Out Your Pay Stubs
If your employer can't or won't generate your pay stubs for you, there is another way. Many businesses will give their employees access to an online payment website. You can use your specific login information on these websites to view any payments that you've received through direct deposit.
You'll be able to view pay stubs for each payment you've received, and you'll also be able to print out these pay stubs yourself. This way, you can print out pay stubs when you need them. You'll also be able to choose exactly which pay stubs to print if you only need particular ones.
Also read: How to Get an Unemployment Pay Stub
Now You Know How to Get a Pay Stub Quickly and Easily
Having a file of your pay stubs is an essential part of having organized financials. They'll allow you to know exactly how much money you've made while also providing you important tax information.
Getting pay stubs when you are paid through direct deposit might sound hard, but we hope this article has shown you how simple the process is. If you need to generate pay stubs, check out our paystub maker now!